- Elegant Leadership
- Coaching for Excellence
- Getting Unstuck

Based on the methodologies of Andrew Neitlich’s Elegant Leadership: Simple Strategies, Remarkable Results
Getting Grounded
Create a dashboard to check in and challenge yourself to clearly and simply state your ideas in seven essential areas: Vision, Mission, Values, Performance, Initiatives, Professional Relationships, Ongoing Development.
Behavioural Change
By temporarily checking your ego at the door we will explore your behaviours and how they support/shut down the vision you have clarified. Identifying new behaviours that will move you forward will allow us to develop exercises for long term habits and measure success as you proceed.
Taking Care of Your Needs
Cultivating Winning Attitudes
This module concentrates on working with what’s within your control and taking responsibility for the results of your team when necessary. As well, we will take a deep dive into how the ego perceives results and relationships along with the intended or unintended consequence of these perceptions.
Elegant Strategy
After doing a SWOT analysis you will clearly define what your organization does best, for whom and devise an executive game plan to market and deliver these strengths.
Keeping it Simple
Here we work on the essential leadership of listening with authenticity and delivering inspiring messages that motivate action from your team.
Surrounding Yourself With Power
Now that you understand the cause and effect of your actions, have a clear, inspiring message to convey, you will start working on surrounding yourself with the power base that is capable and willing to support your vision.
Getting the Team On Board
Through powerful conversations, empathetic listening and measurable actions you will be able to assess that your team is onboard and ready to execute in alignment with the mission and vision.
Lead From Behind
You’ve set the stage now it’s time to direct those that will execute the plans. Giving autonomy to your team requires serious soul searching and developing the capacity to cut those apron strings. Your team will feel confident that they can take ownership of their roles knowing that they are fully supported regardless of failure or success.
Problem Solving
When things go wrong is when we can learn most. Staying vulnerable, open, reachable is harder to practice than preach. With a proper protocol for problem solving you will become more adept at not taking on the team’s problems personally and give space to those responsible to come up with viable solutions.
The Influence Game
Sometimes we need to exert influence in order to get people on board both inside and outside the organization. Create the communications skills that allow you to be the one calling the shots instead of the other way around.
Keeping Momentum
Continue to cut the apron strings and allow the whole to be greater than the sum of the parts. Long term change requires repetitive action that lead to the habits that redefine the organizational culture.
Collaboration Within & Without
Invite those in your community to embrace the change your have become. By creating a culture of collaboration you will find more and more support for your vision.
The Future
At this point we will discuss succession planning with planning being the operative word. It’s always a question of ‘when’ not ‘if’ and being ready, grooming successors and keeping sight of the end game will give the organization the depth of character necessary to withstand change over time.
Paying it Forward & Living With Gratitude
We all get to play ‘kick the can’. How we show up in this game determines the fulfillment it gives us. And how we show charity is a reflection of how we would like to impact the future. Explore deeply that which is most important to you. It is a source of limitless strength if you allow yourself to open up to the possibilities.
You have experienced coaching and seen the transformations possible. How do you bring this culture into the workplace effectively? Learn the principles of coaching skills and capacities so that you can use them effectively in your work place. Based on the work of James Flaherty, an executive coaching pioneer and author of “Evoking Excellence”.
Understanding Coaching - what it is and what it isn't
We’re not all coachable and certainly not coachable all the time! With a clear understanding on the difference between coaching and other related disciplines such as counselling, consulting and mentoring, you will be better able to squeeze the most out of your coaching relationship and sessions.
You as a human being - language, observation and assessement
As Budd and Rothstein say, “You Are What You Say”. We live in language – it affects us psychologically and somatically and is essential to the human condition. Learn to observe and assess in a way that reduces friction and stress while opening the door for authentic curiosity and exploration.
Deep dive into how you relate, give and take, and build the cycles that create the relationships in your business and life.
Getting Things Done
Activity Management vs Time Management is the shift required in order to truly getting things done! What and how you do things will be explored and shifting these actions to align with your true intentions and goals will dictate how you allocate time to these activities.
Stuck to In Motion
Coaching is the optimal way to break the cycle and produce a new domino effect that will open dors and get you feeling unstuck!
Long term change requires at least four months of conscious effort to change the habits that eventually form character. The coaching relationship stays accountable to this in order to create long term self-regulation and competence on the road to permanent change.
Looking Within
Self discovery, mastery, letting go all can be supported with through the coaching conversations of integrative coaching. Empathy, mirroring, challenging in a healthy way will deepen your understanding of yourself as a leader and role model in your organization.
Building Capacities
Leadership requires constant evolution. The more conscious the process the more recognition of the capacities that need to be developed to be the best leader you can be. It’s all about
This is a ‘peeling back the onion’ type of modality where we dive deep into the cause and effect of emotions and moods. This is an ideal choice for those that feel stuck and can’t pin-point the cause. Based on Eugene T, Gendlin PH.D. classic 1978 book “Focusing”. Designed to support a society in constant technological change, this timeless work has been proven over the decades to work efficiently and deeply to get a person ‘unstuck’.
Introduction to Focusing
Though simple to logically follow the practice is challenging and the work is deep. Understanding the purpose and outcomes of this work will better prepare you for the road ahead.
Learning the Basics
First we will learn the basics. Using the see one, do one, teach one approach you will create the mastery necessary to embark on this process with full confidence and consciousness.
Focusing Conversations 1 through 6
Practice, practice, practice…and some journalling.
Building Autonomy
You will continue to build mastery and self-sufficiency by analyzing previous focusing sessions and introduce new subjects to explore using this framework.
Focusing Conversations 7 through 12
Further practice, practice, practice!
It is time to introduce others into the fold. You will lead a focusing session and hold the sacred space for others to explore deep within. There is much to learn in this role and journalling will continue to be your guide as you get to experience focusing from a whole new perspective.
Focusing Conversations 13 through 18
It’s a give and take world and allowing yourself to be both leader and follower in the focusing conversations will allow for the opportunity to show true leadership. The practice here will form the foundation for a shift in workplace culture that rarely happens in today’s fast paced, wavering loyalty society.

Twelve month contract with two 90 minute sessions per month for twelve months
Thirty-six Hours Total
One-on-One Executive Coaching
Exclusive to Registrant
Course Cost $7,900.00
GST $395.00
TOTAL $8,295.00
Per/Hour $219.44
GST $395.00
TOTAL $8,295.00
Per/Hour $219.44